Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Meet Emma!

Ok. If you followed me here from my last blog, you know I don't have the greatest track record with actually posting regularly. I'm hoping that will change with this blog :) I was shamed into blogging again at a recent family gathering. I guess if I don't want to get picked on, I shouldn't start picking on others for their lack of recent blog posts ;) This blog is going to be all about the adventures I have living on my own....
 (like how I've learned to kill all my own bugs - yuck!)

 as well as my new obsession with eating organic,

and of course, my adorable kitten, Emma :)

I've only had Emma for two weeks, and already she has changed so much since I brought her home! She's gained at least a pound (thank goodness- she was so skinny that first weekend!) and she's learned more ways to get into trouble than I ever could have dreamed of. Currently my biggest training hurdles are keeping her from leaping into my fridge every time I open the door, and keeping her from trying to eat every meal I make for myself. She's a crazy little bundle of energy, but I love her to death! She's so good at keeping me entertained! Stay tuned for more excitement! :)


  1. Amazing the power of shame, isn't it? Worked on me, too.

    As for training Emma-two words: super soaker. That's how we trained Belle all those years ago and he still knows the rules, and even mostly follows them.

    Belle would be off the furniture (or whatever we were trying to correct) as soon as we headed his way-but the water got there fast enough to get his attention, and it doesn't hurt them at all, it only insults them and makes them a little indignant. You know how cats are.

    Emma is a cutie-I'm sure you have a lot of fun together.
