Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yay! A new post!

My wonderful Grandma has been reminding me a lot lately about how much I've neglected this blog. I finally had something exciting to post about, so I thought I'd break my blogging dry spell! Today at work I got the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers delivered to me, thanks to my sweet, sweet boyfriend :) Not only are they gorgeous, they smell wonderful too! And of all the days to send them, he sent them during what was one of our first real "snows" of the winter (without even realizing it!). Such perfect timing! Here's a look at the goodies I received today...

Aren't they so pretty?! Now all I have to do is figure out a way to ensure that Emma can't get to them. This apartment is short on "safe" spots when it comes to Emma. I'm sure I'll figure something out - in the meantime, back to my homework pile!


  1. Yay! You blogged! Maybe Brian needs to keep those flowers coming;>)
    These really are beautiful, hope wicked Emma doesn't get them!

  2. Hi, Lauren, I'm bj and a bloggy friend of your mom's.
    Your flowers are just amazing....and...EMMA is one of my favorite names. :))
    Come see me today...your mom is mentioned (as she often is...she is actually my hero girl)
    xo bj
